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LINKSYS WRT54G DD-WRT uTorrent Port Forwarding mystery!


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I've searched the forums, and have found no solution to my problem. I suspect I know what is causing the problem, but even if I'm right I have no idea how to fix it.

I am using:


Linksys WRT54G router with DD-WRT v.23 (firewall currently enabled, but have tried it disabled to no avail)

BitDefender v.10 A/V and Anti-Spyare (latter is currently disabled)

Windows Firewall DISABLED

No other firewall software

**EDIT SpeedStream 5200 Series DSL modem (with Bell Sympatico firmware which permanently disables the firewall)

I had BitDefender v.9 last week, and recently upgraded to v.10. I had already successfully configured the port forwarding, and had been using it for months. I tried it today, and it didn't work. I was stymied. So, I double-checked the port-forwarding menu in the router, and all looked normal. Deciding today was the day to rid my of my constant manual-static-IP configuration headache (every time I come home, I have to manually enter IP settings to get a static IP), I configured the DHCP to automatically assign it to me.

I have since reset the router to default, and re-configured all settings. I have tried uninstalling BitDefender, which also failed to fix the probem. I have searched the internet (including this forum) for hours now, and have come up with nothing.


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If you set a static IP for your computer, make sure it's outside the router's DHCP range ( - by default, IINM). Assuming that is the range set in your router, would be a safe choice to make your static IP. Forward to that IP.

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Tried that, though by moving the DHCP assignment range to I just tried setting the static IP to, but nothing changed.

Funnily enough, since establishing the automatically-assigning IP address, my browsing in FireFox 2.X has been a little wonky when trying to connect to the router via the web GUI. For one, I can no longer connect through FireFox -- it goes to the utorrent home page when I enter http:\\ I can use Explorer no problem.

Second, sometimes when I try to access the port-forward tester in uTorrent, it goes to the Google homepage. Other times it gives me a Google 404 error message. Once I was looking at www.theglobeandmail.com, and the port-checker half-loaded that page.

It's a good thing I don't keep a hammer nearby, or I'd be off to Future Shop tomorrow to buy a new laptop and router.

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Ok. I reset the router *again*, and did everything one step at a time. I believe I have everything set up exactly as I did before. I've also uninstalled BitDefender 10, and am now using 9 with which I never had problems before. However, I am still unable to open the port! It's almost like there's another firewall on my system somewhere.

I'm stumped :/

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Success! If anyone has this same problem, try changing the modem to bridge mode.

My modem was acting as a router. As such, my router was effectively connected to another router, somehow blocking the port. Changing the modem from 'router' mode to 'bridge' mode meant that the modem was not logging itself in automatically. I had to change the settings in my router from DHCP Automatic to PPPoE, and input the username & password there.

I accessed the modem at

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@davey10304: Indeed, setting the modem to bridge mode is the simpler of the two solutions I wrote about in the advanced port forwarding guide. Heh funny how, whenever I don't tell people to read the advanced port forwarding guide in the user manual, it turns out that bridge mode is the solution... :P

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