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Red light before torrent name


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Hi i download and installe utorrent every thing loock good but after a couple of hour all traker go off line (time tests past) '(hors ligne (temps d essais ecoule) '. I try to live like that all download an dupload ok but i dont send information to traker to get my ratio good. i leave like that but the traker never go onligne again. The name of traker are demonooid.com elite-team.net paradise-traker.com. I chek my rooter configuration, are ok, if i restat utorrent the same think apen all the time.

Somebody can help me?

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I check the values in CTRL+G and is all i got conection type xx/100mbits. upload limit 11200ks/s connection (per torrent): 125, max active torrents: 25, upload slots: 50,

connections (global): 1000, max active downloads: 25, current port 60002 ( i test it and is good) the case enable encryption is not enable. my settings are ok ?

thans for answer.

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