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Need help setting up utorrent


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My download speed is 1800-2800 Kbps and my upload speed is 370 Kbps. What would be the best settings for utorrent using these connections without crashing my router? I already portforwarded utorrent on my router which is a WRT54G v6. I want the best settings without crashing my router thats all. Thanks alot to all for the help in advance.

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Try the Speed Guide (CTRL+G) xx/384k setting. That's really close to your 370 Kbps (kilobits/sec?) upload bandwidth.

You may or may not need to reduce Global Connections and Connections per torrent to well under 100 each, but that's only if the initial settings above cause noticeable problems.

I'm not sure if your router does well with UDP packets (made by Resolve IPs and DHT in µTorrent), so you'll just have to test it.

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