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1 peer...thats it!!


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Has anyone ever seen Utorrent only connect to one peer and then not allow any other peers to connect when there are many in a swarm to connect to. I watched the logger tab and it showed time and time again someone trying to connect to me and then immediately being disconnected and then a different IP would appear only to be disconnected still only allowing one peer and this is with two different torrents loading. I have tried bittornado with the same results..only one peer. By the way the upload speeds are bad as you can imagine with only one peer connecting to me.

Is this my ISP throttling my connection? By the way I use Insightbb and I know that it has been documented on this forum that Insight is shaping traffic even though I have talked to at least 3 different people at Insight who say they are not.

My downloads are great...I get them almost at top speed(10mb) but in order to be a good community member I am suppose to share. Does anyone have any ideas what this is being caused by? By the way, this just started all of a sudden when I was using Azureus so I switched to Utorrent only to experience the same results but I like Utorrent better so I think I am going to stick with it...if I can get it working right that is.

Thanks for your time.

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After looking a little closer at the logger tab, it would appear that the same second any peer tries to connect to Utorrent and the same second the peer is disconnected with no reason given. This happens over and over again.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?

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