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Torrent renaming textbox doesn't move..


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I just noticed this, and I wasn't sure how to describe it. It's nothing big, but just a small UI error. Left-click on an active torrent once, as if you were going to rename it, and then press the stop torrent button. The textbox that you can type in doesn't move with the torrent if the torrent moves to a different spot on the list. If that didn't make sense.. then try it yourself :)

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Does this sound right to you:

Basically, I try to edit the torrent name, press stop and nothing happens (even if the current name is in a different sorting position) and it sorts after I rename it.

I'm assuming somehow it resorts while you press stop, and keeps the edit control (the edit box) at the same position, but with a different torrent name that was sorted to that position? Unfortunately, I can't seem to reproduce that here though, making it difficult...

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Yeah, that's what Skootles means. Oddly enough, I've seen it around for quite a long time now... Something else you can try is renaming the file, and then switching tabs in the detailed info pane -- while the list doesn't re-sort, the edit box remains (semi-different in that it doesn't need to follow a moving torrent, but same idea). Maybe µTorrent doesn't catch an event notification/message or something?

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It happens whenever the torrent changes position while selected.

The same thing will happen even if the textbox isn't open. Select a torrent, stop it (or pause or anything that alters the order), then press the up or down arrow key.

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