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Download Great...Upload Not So Great


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So after a system format my upload speeds won't seem to reach the goal.


I have a green light on Utorrent.

my isp is Comcast Cable

Router is D-link514 Version B

Connection type - Cable 5mb dl 358 (45ish upload)

Sygate Firewall - Windows Firewall Disabled. AVG 7.1 Antvirus...Firewall Disabled on that.

Windows XP Home TCP Sp2 opened to 50

I get the green light on my port when I check 9055.

Firstly my router can have a melt down if to many people connect to me at one time..so I limited the global connections to 100 to fix the problem.

Sygate is set up to allow torrent to run.

One problem I have had tho is my router has UpNp turn off but if I turn it off in utorrent I get no connections at all no matter how many seeds/leechers are on the torrent so I am forced to leave it on but only allow it one port to use. I never had that problem with the older versions before.

My biggest problem is I have about 45kb upload speed....when I am dling I set it to 30...and when I am done I leave it at 30. I can't seem to push the upload speed over 10kbs now even with it set at 30...also I don't seem to connect to that many peers any more maybe 2-3 if im lucky...on download tho I can reach speeds as high as 500kbs but I am uploading nothing at all.

Anyone have any ideas on what could be the problem here? I don't mind the dl speeds but Makes it hard to keep a 1.0 ratio at 10kbs :)


Oh one other thing I forgot to mention...when I first boot a file up in the logger it says this.

UPnp: Discovered New Device;

I never seen Utorrent do this before...ever.

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Is there anything on your computer/network that's also using upload bandwidth? (even occasionally?)

Can you update your AVG Antivirus to the latest version?

Are you using the xx/384k Speed Guide (CTRL+G) upload setting?

(...the xx/512k one is a little too fast at 47 KB/sec upload speed.)

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Well my gf plays World of Warcraft when she gets home but other that nothing is using my bandwidth.

AVG is latest version..also disabled automatic updates on it.

Are you using the xx/384k Speed Guide: Yes I am.

Its a strange problem for sure...going to borrow my sisters Windows XP Crystal installer and see if maybe its windows.

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