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UTorrent is making my wireless connection drop.


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I have tried everything I know to do, but i cannot get this problem fixed.

I live at home. My dad's pc is connected directly to the internet through cable modem, and mine is connected using a wireless adapter. When connected to the internet, I almost always have a very good to excellent signal strength..However, when I run any programs like Utorrent or Soulseek...things will go fine for random amounts of time (20 mins to a couple hours)..and then the connection will drop. It will still show that I am connected to the internet, but I cannot access websites..and all downloads stop. Repairing the connection does not work. If i choose repair, it freezes on "Disabling Wireless Connection". The only way to get the internet to work is to reboot.

I have tried changing the global number of connections, slowing download speeds, getting bug fixes for XP SP2, making sure my pc is clean of spyware, viruses, etc., and everything else I have seen on any forums or help sites. But nothing has fixed the problem.

Also, sometimes after the connection will drop, and I reboot my pc...The internet will start to connect and go to "Limited or No Connectivity" status.

I am really stuck on what to do. And how to fix this issue.

Someone please help!!

Pc Info:

Sony Vaio VGC-RB53

Windows XP SP2

D-Link DWL-120+ Wireless Adapter

Linksys WRT54G Router

Sorry if a post has been made about this issue before.


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