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UPnP, port forwarding, etc with SpeedportV500W


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My router is Tcom SpeedportV500W. This is whatäs happening: first, I installed utorrent and everything was ok. Next day, I start my computer, and I couldnt get no connection. I went to the router's configuration and enabled UPnP. Then, everything perfect (I had the green symbol instead of the "!" triangle). Next day (today), I couldn't download anything again (the "!" was back), even though upload seems ok. utorrent port checker says that my port (54112) doesn't seem to be opned, but in the logger I get "UPnP: Mapped port 54112". I've tried to pick a random port, and nothing. Disabled/Enabled UPnP, nothing. What should I do?

Thanks for your help,


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