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Seed While doesn;t work sometimes


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The seed while function on my uTorrent doesn't work. I go to a school that severely limits download amounts, so this was one of the best features that I've found. When i upgraded to 1.6.1 build 490 it has stopped working. I think the last time it worked was in a 1.5 version of some sort. Is this just for me? do i need to enable it somewhere that I am just missing? thanks for your help.

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The seed while condition only applies once the torrent finishes downloading...so if you've already exceeded the seed while conditions before the download finishes, it will CONTINUE uploading at least till the download finishes.

Also, the seed while condition is an OR rather than an AND. If either condition is true <200% or <4 hours, then continue seeding...not stop whichever comes first.

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