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slow adsl speeds?


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hey i have opened ports run spped guide setup selected download and uploads speeds at 256k for an 8mb/s adsl conntecion. only getting 30-50 kB/s for popuar programes like [sNIP -- we don't care what you're downloading]. i hear ppl talking about apeeds around 400 and that being a prob for them is there any thing i am doing wrong??? any help would be awsome>>

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and you should NOT limit the downloadspeed at 256k

as you were already told in your other threads, just press CTRL+G and choose xx/256k and then leave everything else settings as µT has set them.

if there are enough high speed peers/seeders available µT is technicly able to max out your downloadspeed.

If you speeds down under in .nz are to low, consider moving to sweden. They know what a good internetconnection looks like ;-)

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