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"Disk Overloaded"


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When i download at speeds.. above 500kB/s my computer gets very slow, and over 1,0mB/s its completely impossible to even open a folder. Besides to "Network OK" uTorrent says "Disk Overloaded", I imagine thats the problem but what does it mean? I have a rather new 7200 RPM disc that works completely fine except when i download. Can i fix it by options or have my disc just become slow?

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That's the best error you could ask for! :lol: It means your downloads are blazing fast!!

Go into advanced options and set your diskio.write_queue_size to 4000. In my opinion it should be at least 4 times your max download speed (in your case 1000). That will eliminate the "Disk Overloaded" error and maybe the sluggishness as well.

EDIT: v1.2 now can automatically adjust your queue size. Just put -1 in the diskio.write_queue_size setting. This is the default value for new installations.

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