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Sorting: sort column selection in opposite fashion as is standard


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while this has nothing to do with performance, it is nonetheless a bug in my opinion. the triangle which indicates the sort order of the sort column is upside down on the name column. the others appear to be okay, although the initial sort order of first click seems to be descending, which is slightly off standard, but may be by design.

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sorry... i looked real quick, will look harder before posting, the other is obviously more thorough on the first point... :)

although after a quick read (there i go again <grin>) i did not see mention of the default sorting being alpha numerically high to low on the other fields. maybe no one else feels this important. i suppose it isnt but here is my train of sleep deprived thought:

[the name obviously should and is low to high. the others dont necessarily matter but for uniformity, which is necessarily established in the name field. to meet the convention of uniform behavior the other fields (within that view at least) should also do first click sort low to high]

anyways... there's my two cents...

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