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utorrent problems on hotel network


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I'm on a Park Hyatt network connection and I get strange behavior on utorrent. Torrent starts, maybe peaks at 8kB/s, then drops to zero. It findsd very few seeds and peers, and this is true even for the Open Office distribution.

Works well at home, and has worked on other hotel networks.

I've opened port on my portable Wifi router, uPNP enabled.

Used 1.6.1 and 1.7 beta; turned on and off encryption.

Turned on and off Zonealarm.

Im using Dlink DWL G730AP; i am getting an error of upnp could not map port even though upnp is enabled in the router settings.

Any other ideas?

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If you are using your router on a hotel network, there will be a router there too, so you need to forward your port through this router too (which would not be possible to get access there).

So you could try your PC/notebook without your router.

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