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VERY Slow DL speeds with Rogers Ultra Lite ;(


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I'm using rogers ultra lite and my Max DL is 116 Kb/s and Max UL is 48 Kb/s .. i know its bad ..my torrents all seem to be really slow .. the highest DL speed i ever gotten in my lifetime is 30 KB/s .. and that only happens for 10 seconds or so and then it drops back down like crazy ..I know Rogers throttles with BT but this is jus rediculous ..I was just wondering if anyone has any recommended settings i should change in order to fix this issue.. My average DL speed is around 10.7 kB/s ... is this normal for my DSL with a DL speed of 116 kb/s and UL 48/kb ???

No matter if it is well seeded torrent or not it still gives me this problem .. maybe my settings should be optimized?


Thanks alot for your assistance, it is much appreciated ;)

PS: my router port is forwarded and everything ...and I'm using Vista, uTorrent 1.6.1




yea it is ...and i tried everything you linked me too.. still nothing =( i've even tried downloading the test torrents provided, but it seems i'm connected to alot of seeds like 118 seeds and only 3 peers, but still my download speed doesn't go above 30 kB/s .. the average is 26.6 kB/s or so ..i've also noticed that when i close BT Engine 5.02, (isnt BT Engine suppose to speed up Torrent speeds???) the speeds seem to be a bit more stable .. but still doesn't increase at all. =(

Here is some info.

- I've tried everything you've told me to

- Color of the network status light in µTorrent's status bar is green

-The portchecker from uTorrent says my port is forwarded properly, and it is open and accepting connections, you will be able to receive incoming bittorrent connections

Speed Guide Settings:

Upload limit : 10kB/s

Upload Slots : 2

connections (per torrent) : 150

connection (global) : 400

Max active torrents : 5

Max Active downloads : 10

OS is Windows Vista

Firewall: Windows Firewall

Antivirus: NOD32 2.70

Antispyware: Ad-Aware Pro (but Ad-Watch is disabled, as it consumes too much resources)

Extra: Spyware Blaster 3.5.1

Router and Modem Model

DLink 601

Motorola Surfboard Model: SB5100

ISP is Rogers. Ultra Lite

Connection Type is Cable

*** Results taken while i'm the only one using my connection, from DSLReports. Server: speakeasy, Palo Alto, CA, (Im in toronto btw.) ***

Max DL: 265 kb/s

Max UL: 68 kb/s

Latency: 128 ms

Note: I'm usually sharing my connection with the 2 other PCs in my house, when using uTorrent most of the times, but these test results were taken when im the only one using my connection, so the results should be fairly accurate, i believe)

***Followed all the steps you told me too**

Thanks alot for your assistance =)


Your upload was 68 kb/s?

...if that's 68 kilobits/sec, then there's a problem right there!

It takes about 8-10 kilobits/sec of upload BANDWIDTH to upload a file at 1 KiloBYTE/sec (the speeds you see in µTorrent and from websites.)

So 68 kilobits/sec is at most 8.5 KiloBYTES/sec upload speed, yet you told µTorrent to upload at 10!

Also, you told µTorrent to run insanely too many torrents at once as well as way too many connections at once.

The Speed Guide setting that's probably closest to your connection is xx/64k.

Your download bandwidth was 265 kb/s.

That's why you can only download at 30 KiloBYTES/sec max.


hey thanks for the reply, just to get this straight, should i just use the "speed guide" settings xx/64 and ignore the settings, or should i modify them a bit ?if i should modify them, what settings are recommended for my connection ? I noticed you said my UL speed is at most 8.5 kiloBYTES/sec should i change that ? because when i use the xx/64 settings from the Speed Guide it makes my Max UL speed: 5

PS: just to make sure, you're saying that 30 kB/sec is good for my current connection?after reading your last sentence.

Thanks alot ;)


Choose the xx/64k setting and put alternate upload speed while not downloading to 6 or 7 KiloBYTES/sec.

You'll see "download limited" with only 5 KiloBYTES/sec upload speed...but that will just limit download to 30 KiloBYTES/sec -- pretty much your hard limit anyway.


thanks for the advice, thing is now .. after using the xx/64 setting, i noticed my download speed is at an average of 5.1 kB/s :S is this alright because i've noticed that there is only 6 seeds and 23 peers, ..are my current setting really the best for my connection ...? or should i go head and modify them a bit, as it does increase my DL + UL speeds

PS: i've also notice that my UL speed is alot higher than my DL speed >_<


How can your UL speed be alot higher than your DL speed if you told it to only upload at 5 KiloBYTES/sec? (You did say DL was averaging 5.1 KiloBYTES/sec.)

Are you sure you chose the xx/64k setting in Speed Guide instead of the xx/640k setting?


yea thats what i'm wondering too, the Global Maximum Upload Rate is 5 but i sometimes see that it can be over 5, is this ok? now i see on my torrent that the average UL is 4.1 kB/s. (i guess it lowered) oh and i checked it, it is on xx/64k

I guess it all depends on the seeds and peers ..but would you say that my speeds are fair for my connection ? its weird, seems my DL speed drop and increase alot ..(not stable)

PS: sorry if i'm asking too many noobie questions ;)


Try lowering max number of connections (both Global and per-torrent) to only 30.

Disable DHT in all cases.

Disable Resolve IPs and Show Country Flags.

...and see if that helps.


seems to help a bit.. does disabling DHT bring any disadvantages when seeding or whatever in anyway ? after a while it seems that i lost all my seeds lol ...I can't seem to locate "Disable Resolve IPs and Show Country Flags" where can i find that under settings ? thanks

PS: Does making net.max_halfopen higher to around 50 better than what it is by default 8 ?


I've followed all your instructions, still not getting anywhere .. Average DL speed went down to 10.3 kB/s. my DL speed now is below 5 kB/s and not increasing at all nooooo...damn, i have to wait like 6 weeks to download a file =/

I've also noticed that my internet connection has been getting disconnected alot lately...*SIGH* damnit .. and my UL speed is higher than my DL speed AGAIN! even though i its set : MAX UL speed : 5 kB/s !it just went up to 5.2 ...

By far .. the worst day of my bittorrent life .. *Yawn*

ahhh Rogers ... pfffffffff


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