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Is this ISP-Throttling?


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I've been using uTorrent for about 6-7 months, no problems (once I got it running), and it was good with torrents running usually about 300kbps, better seeded ones at 600kpbs. Last week I installed Vista, and, perhaps coincidentally, my download speed suddenly dropped completely -- now I'm lucky to get 6kbps.

Also, while speed tests used to give me 7500kbps, now they're only giving me 250kbps... Same ISP, same everything, perhaps I've even downloaded LESS than usual... And this is at all manner of times, not just "peak hours". Upload has stayed the same, 276kbps.

My ISP is BT Broadband (8mbps, Fair Usage), but I assumed Fair Usage would only affect by utorrent speeds, not my actual speeds, so I'm not sure that it is that, rather than some strange settings in Vista.

Additional info: port is open, router / modem is Netgear DP834PN (which reports an incoming dl speed of 7616 kbps, ul speed of 448kbps).


(Oh and I followed the setup guide btw ;).)

-- Maybe it wasn't anything -- new Beta has got my speeds going at 600kbps again! Big whoop for all you uTorrent developers, thanks a lot!


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