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fios and Actiontec MI-424-WR modem strangeness


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i have fios 15/2 and the Actiontec MI-424-WR router. I did not configure the router and it worked fine with UL>200Kbs. Then the other day I noticed utorrent started to slow down and now it says I'm firewalled, even when I don't have any firewalls on. I get "Port 50100 does not appear to be open." I went in and configured the router but still it says i'm firewalled. I have my ports forwarded winxp. Any ideas?

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Do you have any other firewall programs on your computer?

...or antivirus software? (that often has a firewall in it too!)

Have you checked for hostile software on your computer?

(adware, spyware, trojans, viruses, worms, unwanted Microsoft software, etc...)

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