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Port Forwarding Failure


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Hello, I was wondering if you could help me with a niggling problem with my port forwarding.

I've followed all the instructions given to me on portforward.com - set up a static IP, configured my router to forward, etc, but the port test still comes back negative.

I'll provide you with all the information that springs to mind:

ISP: Virgin Media (formerly Telewest Broadband)

Router: Netgear WGR614v5

Modem: Motorola Surfboard SB4100 (no 192.168.100.xxx to be found)

Security Software: McAfee Personal Security Suite (I've 'allowed' uTorrent on the firewall)

OS: Windows XP SP2

The uTorrent light is sometimes a red circle, sometimes a yellow triangle. Never seen it anything else.

Any ideas?

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