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my utorrent downloads nothing


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When I have utorrent open and nothing downloading it still shows the download speed at the bottom at between .5 kb/s and 1.5 kb/s. This started recently and and also recently my computer starts chugging when I download from utorrent. For this reason I assume that this downloading is the result of some type of virus. My question is: Has this type of thing happened to anyone before and if so, is it a virus and how did you get rid of it?


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It's probably DHT network traffic, and you've got some marginal networking hardware or software that's almost crashing even before DHT is on.

Resolve IPs enabled in µTorrent probably makes it worse.

And the half open rate µTorrent uses by default...may finish it off. :P

So, what antivirus and/or firewall software are you using?

What is your router? (if you have one)

Did you run µTorrent's Speed Guide (CTRL+G)?

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