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Port Forwarding with Multiple Computers


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We have three computers in the home and are running a wireless network (with two pc's wireless, one connected physically), each that run uTorrent. Our router is the Netgear WGR614 v6, on the latest firmware. (Though, it's a horrible router, and I am probably going to pick up a new one soon.) Here's the problem:

We only sometimes see the green icon, and other times it is the yellow triangle or red. Despite this, we're able to download, just not efficiently. I already had the ports forwarding correctly for each PC, however the problem is this: sometimes our IPs change. Each PC is set up to obtain an IP automatically.

So earlier today, for example, my IP address was and I had the port forwarding set up for that IP, and my torrents were downloading and uploading at good speeds. At some point during the day (while I was away), I guess the router decided to reset itself or something - my IP was now, and my torrent was fluctuating in speed, with estimated time fluctuating from 1 hour to 3 weeks. You would think that I could just easily log into my router and change the port forwarding to my new IP, but -- for some reason (the firmware, I'm guessing) my router hasn't displaying my forwarded ports. It will open them, but they are not displayed in the list so I cannot edit OR delete them.

I figured the answer to this was Static IPs, so I went onto each PC and assigned us IP address -- myself, the next pc, and so on. We were all able to connect to our wireless network, but -- the internet didn't work on any of the three computers, until I switched us all back to obtain an IP address automatically.

Is there any other solutions or suggestions for running uTorrent on multiple computers on the same network/internet connection?

Thank you in advance for any help.

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