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I use torrents allot and its a really great system. there seems to be a major problem with uploads when i download it goes at 3kbs a sec if it works at all and yet it tries to upload at a million miles an hour is there a way to stop upload because even if i try to slow it to 1 kps it doesn't want to work

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You could change the global upload rate.

I'm having an issue where downloaded is slow but uploading is full speed. I did all the port forwarding and went through the options but nothing really helps. In terms of seeders i will see something like 9 of 226 connected. Upload slots state that 33 of 2723 connected. Can anyone assist?

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Hi, all..... I have one problem if you can help me...

I have been promoted last month to uploader class.... and started creating torrents using Utorrent... My problem is that the torrent I have uploaded on the site when I started to seed it, although it said on my torrent site that are 5 leechers in Utorrent it showed that are at least 49 leechers.

I found that my torrent tracker has been posted on mininova and I don't know why.. my administrator tells me is a problem about the DHT of the program I have used to create the torrent...

can someone help me about solving this problem so other ppl won't connect to my torrent or tell me other torrent creator program that is reliable..


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1) all the steps

2) The symbol is green.

3)OK! Port ____ is open and accepting connections

4) upload limit.: 0 kBs (I limit the torrents manually.) global lowers my overall download limit.

upload slots :2

connections : 50

connections (global): 75

max active torrents :2

max active downloads : 2

5) Vista ultimate 32 bit

6) using the windows firewall, outpost isn't compatible. I hate windows firewall, is the there a better one that works with vista? Opened the port for utorrent there.

7) Siemens Speedstream 4200

8) tstt.net.tt

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This tells us nothing about how fast your connection is according to speed tests...or even how fast it is according to your ISP. (Most ISPs offer multiple, even numerous, speed versions.)

We NEED to know how fast it is both up and down, preferably in kilobits/sec.

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