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I have read the FAQs and the answer to why µtorrent is reported by some firewalls as trying to send/receive emails (non standard ports etc) however what I dont understand is why this doesn't happen on other clients?

I have just switched to µtorrent after using Azureus for over a year (pretty much 24/7), during that whole time my firewall never once reported Azureus trying to send or receive a single email! Yet since installing µtorrent I've had a "µtorrent is attempting to send an email on port 25 SMTP" at least once a day every day!

Surely if it was simply bittorent traffic on non standard ports then Az should have encountered peers using those ports from time to time as well?

Also why is the traffic reported as "SMTP" - as far as I know bittorrent traffic should be using TCP or UDP.

I'm not saying that the standard answer given in the FAQs is wrong, or that anyone is lying - I just feel like this doesn't make sense.

I would be grateful if anyone could help explain this please.

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Azureus may never try an ip using the mail port least by default, so your firewall program would never go crazy over nothing.

An incoming ip may have their listening port set to 25, but most incoming ips are outgoing connections from their view and would most likely NOT be using port 25 for their outgoing connections.

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So... no idea why the traffic was reported as SMTP then? I doubt that my firewall has wrongly reported the protocol that this traffic was using, as I've never seen it make a mistake before. Correct me if I'm wrong - but µtorrent should never be using SMTP for standard torrent up or downloads as far as I'm aware.

Not a big deal as I've permanently denied this traffic now anyway - just curious.

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Correct me if I'm wrong - but µtorrent should never be using SMTP for standard torrent up or downloads as far as I'm aware.

Depends. µTorrent should never be using remote SMTP port - only if configured to not use it. That is - Preferences > Advanced > bt.no_connect_to_services_list must list this port and bt.no_connect_to_services must be enabled.

Current version has this option enabled (with ports 25,110) by default.

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