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All torrent activity abruptly drops out


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Hello everyone,

I have a Linksys WRT54G router with the newest (1.02) firmware installed. After resetting my router and opening a port for utorrent, everything will work fine for a decent amount of time. Then, all of my torrents get red arrows next to them, and all activity ceases. In addition, port checker informs me that the port is no longer open, even though it had been opened via the linksys admin page after the router was reset. It seems to reset itself randomly, closing the port and therefore stopping utorrent activity. The only remedy so far is to manually reset my router again and then open the port. That's sorta bothersome, though, and it stops me from downloading anything efficiently. Going into the router's setup page shows me that the port range forward is still there, with utorrent having an open port. Also, while utorrent's down, all other internet services/programs work just fine. AIM, Steam, everything else is fine. Can anyone give me a hand? Thanks in advance!

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Well, I looked on the DD-WRT website, and it told me not to use their firmware with my version of the WRT54G, as it has a really large chance of bricking the router. I'm really at a loss here. I tried it again today. After unplugging the router, then plugging it back in, all was well for a little while, then my download/upload speeds quickly dropped down the nothing, and the green check changed into a yellow hazard sign thing. I just don't know wtf to do.

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