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Categories List and its free space


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This is more of a cosmetic issue, and might not be considered a bug. Feel free to move the thread if I chose poorly :)

My µTorrent is showing the Categories list by default, with about 5 custom labels. That leaves a lot of unused "white" space below the labels. If I now click anywhere in the unused space area, the very last label gets selected.

I find this always confusing. The categories list is usually the part of µTorrent not covered by another window on my computer, and I use it to focus µTorrent. It then is a bit tedious to click there first and then the "all" category.

I know, I know, I'm nitpicking, but I figured I report it anyway, others might be feeling the same.

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Indeed, I'd bugged the devs about this a week or two ago. They can write a workaround for the problem, but RyanNorton would rather rewrite the categories list code more cleanly, and I'm not sure that's gonna happen at this stage of the game (it might not make it into 1.7).

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