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Port help needed


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hi im running Windows XP and uTorrent 1.7 Beta. When i start uTorrent i get this message


Then on the second click it starts up fine, i am having some difficulty forwarding the ports on my computer, i know that i have a lot of ports open but UTorrent 'Port Checker' says i have none open. i set my port to 37508 and forwarded it corectly using portforwards guides. i have a linksys WRT54g v5 router and a surfboard SB4100 Modem. last time i used utorrent it worked fine. also, i installed it using the UPX compressed link, because the other installer didn't work for me.

Please help, thanx!

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WRT54G v5 and above = suck

SurfBoard [ANY MODEL] = suck

Try connecting your computer directly to your SurfBoard. If the port remains unforwarded, then either your firewall (if applicable) is configured improperly/being stupid, and/or your SurfBoard is being stupid.

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