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All seeds disappeared, gone


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I was downloading a pretty healthy torrent when I noticed it just stopped, and that my seeds, that were at the range of at least x(50), dropped to a solid 0(0). My peers are alright, though, and I keep uploading it normally.

What happened? Is this normal?

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Oh, ok I thought the site's availability was the actual torrent availability. Where exactly do I see that? It just says "Seeds: 0(0)", but it was way more than that before.

It's also weird that this is a 8gb file I'm downloading, and the transfer was pretty stable for the past few days. It was just today that I noticed it had stopped and there were no more seeds. It's been like that for the past 12 hours or so. So I find it odd that it might just be the site misreporting seeds.

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Aw man. So this is normal? I was under the impression that the number between parenthesis on the Seeds tab should show the number of available seeders at any time, regardless of if I am connected to them or not.

Anyway, thanks for your time.

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