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is this normal?


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I've read all the threads about fixing torrent speed, but my case doesn't really apply in that way. My uTorrent runs great, but my internet slows down, and since the house is wireless, all connections slow down, pissing off my family whenever I have uTorrent open. is that normal, or should my normal internet be going quickly? any help on this would be great

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µTorrent should NOT be slowing down your network!

If it is, you either are using inappropriate settings for your connection's max speed...or you have severe networking hardware or software problems.

So...What is the speed of your network, what is the speed of your internet connection, and what are the settings you're using in µTorrent (as shown by Speed Guide CTRL+G)?

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Hello, I'm having the same problem and I suspect it is caused by my ISP. My home connection is 2Mb/512k and I set the µTorrent wizard to 128kb upload but the internet slows down and dies elsewhere but µTorrent.

At the office I have 1Mb/128k and I set the wizard to 96 and run with no problems. At home I've changed the cable modem, and router (now a WRT54G > v5).

Running the speedtest in dslreports shows low server latency without µTorrent and almost 5x latency with µTorrent running, but the speeds are consistant with the ones chosen on the wizard. (if I get it to finish because most of the times it just hangs in there, uploading)

Any pointers? This makes me so mad. I've tried http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992 with no siginificant improvements.


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Turn off EVERYTHING that generates UDP packets in µTorrent.

(Disable: DHT, UPnP, resolve ips, and show country flags.)

Reduce max connections to 50 TOTAL.

Reduce half open connection max in µTorrent to 4...and then down to 2 or 1 if that doesn't help.

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that should show my network's ability. i guess im stupid about the internet. i dont know if that's the speed of the network or the speed of my internet connection.


that should be a picture of my settings. i dont really know how to set it up perfectly.

by the way, I'm running vista, and i know on my old xp, torrent didn't slow down the network. as well, if i disable UPNP port mapping, like switeck said, i can't map my port, so maybe that's the problem?

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Those speeds in your screenshot are your internet speeds. Your LAN speeds (file transfers between computers typically) may well be 70000-90000 kilobits/sec (assuming a 100 megabit/sec network).

I see in the background of your picture that the 1 torrent shown is FORCE started, which means it may be overriding your speed settings.

If you're needing UPnP to get unfirewalled in µTorrent, then your router, software firewall, and/or your modem needs to be manually configured to solve that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Switeck. I had already disabled all UDP related options the only thing I hadn't done was setting max conections to 40 which seems to have done the trick but I just couldn't find the "half-connections" setting.

Also I hadn't noticed the port filtering was not set correctly on the router. Could this be the cause also?

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