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How to use my DynDNS ip


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Where do I put my DynDNS ip address such that my torrents will point back to my DynDNS ip to find tracker home base??

Is it here or here???

Preferences>BitTorrent>IP/Hostname to report to tracker:

Create New Torrent>Torrent Properties>Trackers

What format do I use ... something like just my DynDNS ???




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u can use the "Create New Torrent>Torrent Properties>Trackers" if u want to use your system as a tracker..

just add your address and the port (i think utorrent runs its built-in tracker on the same port for incoming connections) and create the torrent.. u can give it to anyone and they'll always have access to u because of that dynamic DNS redirection :)

i've used that method to share files with my buddies several times in the past.. works like a charm..

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