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uTorrent for Mac is Coming: An Early Review


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any ideas roughly when a public beta/alpha/anything might be available? :)

or i'd be more than happy to sign up to help you test if you'd like :D

idlehand, while we're waiting for utorrent you might like to try out the latest nightlies of transmission (avaliable here - newest version always at the bottom of the page) - now supporting file selection and torrent creation. unless you personally need encryption it's got to be better than the bloated java ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, so I decided I had to register just to emphasize the positive feedback from the Mac community regarding this exciting news. Azureus has been something we've had to deal with for too long, and honestly uTorrent has been the only application I considered running a Parallels program for.

I am absolutely dying to see the open beta released and will be checking this site daily for news.

Thank you!

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From the preview it looks like there's a working version, buggy? Who knows. It would be nice to atleast release something than nothing and making us wait. I know I'm being an ass in saying this, but as of right now, there really aren't any good BT programs for the Mac. Transmission is nice and all, but for having many torrents, its GUI isn't efficient.

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