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B2999 Multi-Tracker Tiers no longer cycle in the Tracker URL display


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Note: this is different behavior than http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=25380

When multiple tiers of trackers are displayed, only one tracker is displayed in the Tracker URL on the General tab. Prior to build 2899, they would cycle, showing one tracker per Tier every GUI refresh. Prior to that, they would cycle 1 tier per second. Now they do not cycle at all.

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Hmmm. Okay, more info...

On a virgin installation, using a torrent with 4 tiers, mine cycles between only two of them. It should cycle among four.

Try this torrent (safe/legal): http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3735336/The_Notebooks_of_Leonardo_Da_Vinci___Complete_by_Leonardo_da_Vin

The same torrent on the version that I've been updating over time does not cycle at all, seemingly regardless of how many tiers there are.

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Try this torrent (safe/legal): http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3735336/The … rdo_da_Vin

That works fine for me, but then all those trackers are defined as separate tiers and not within the same tier (except the UDP:// stalker one, but µTorrent doesn't support USP trackers so maybe it just ignores it?). It's tracker cycling within the same tier that I originally thought you meant.

However, since a second tracker within the same tier functions as a backup, it probably shouldn't cycle so my original confirmation can be written off as PEBKAC. In short, it seems to work fine. :P

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> Lookie at the link I posted up above...

Sorry, Ultima, somehow I missed that entire reply before.

I see I have some more work to do -- I agree that this bug report is not nailed down, now. There obviously still is something gone wrong, here, we just don't know what set of conditions makes it happen.

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This is still on the installation that I have been progressively updating. It's not a clean install.

Setting, Behavior


1000 (default), no cycling

500, no cycling

1500, on switching to my multi-tiered torrent, I see one tier for a brief moment, then it switches to another and stays there

2225, same as above (longer moment)

Very odd.

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