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Programming question


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Sorry I didn't know were it would fit best in this forum...

I have started to get into learning some network-programming and because...

when using µT I m always attracted by the flags and how the ip is resolved reading like "xxx.someisp.somethingelse.net".

I would like to program a little function that does exactly the same

I wonder if some of the fabulous µT-crew can give me some hints/advice how to start this mission/what to read (what protocol is used, where is the info retrieved from)

I tried to find out where to get the info and made some queries at ripe but it doesn't seem to fit.

Thank you in advance

If this is totally wrong here take my excuses and be so kind to tell me where to put it.

In any case have a nice day!

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the "ask for the PTR record" seems to have made the difference...

by that I was able to find some information: it seems that the ultimate info comes from the nameserver of the ISP...

thanks for bringing me back on track!

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