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3 Kb = 2 Mb?


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BitTorrent has no real concept of "files," and everything is just a big blob of concatenated data split up into pieces. Because of this, In order to get any single file, you need to download any and all pieces the file is split up into entirely.

Example: A torrent you're downloading has piece size of 1MB. If fileA.zip (a 300KB file) is at the edge boundary between pieces in pieces 3 and 4, you need all of pieces 3 and 4 in order to recreate fileA.zip. That means you will need to download 2MB to get that 300KB file. Similarly, if a 3KB file belongs to one single piece, then you will need to download the entire 1MB piece (or maybe 2MB in your case) in order for µTorrent to extract the 3KB file.

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