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advanced setings help file cant connect


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Being always on a quest to know just enuff to scew things up I down loaded the zip file and it opens no problem. I was looking for the definitions of the cryptic names on the twenty or so advanced settings, for the purpose of tweaking something that works just fine (something real men live for). However, it is not an actual a copy of the information it is the pain in the ass, time, and suposid bandwith saving link system that windows keeps pushing. A system whos exact name I hope to never learn, and only posible redemable quality is the potental to keep data more current and save a huge download. Likely a lovley idea for some aplications if it worked even half the time, but it does not. Anyway as normal the links are not connecting and I have to waste even more time and bandwith with regeresting an typing a rant, plus displaying what an unplesent person I am......Does anyone know another place to find the definitions? Please.

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Are you using IE to download it, or the default Windows ZIP handler to extract it? At any rate, I'm gonna just copy and paste the Advanced settings descriptions here for the time being, but it's not properly formatted (meaning it's gonna be hard to read).

bt.allow_same_ip: Enabling this option allows multiple incoming connections from the same IP address. This option affects a single torrent job at a time, so you can still have the same IP address connect to you on different torrent swarms. It is recommended that this option be left disabled, as it weakens the anti-leech protection.

bt.auto_ul_factor: This option sets the portion of the largest reading to use for throttling. It is interpreted as a percentage, so please enter it as such.

bt.auto_ul_interval: This option controls how often µTorrent tests the upload rate for setting the upload rate limit automatically. Every time this interval passes, µTorrent disables the upload rate limit and lets it run while sampling the rate. This option is interpreted in seconds, so please enter it as such.

bt.auto_ul_min: This option determines the smallest upload rate µTorrent will use while in auto-uplink throttling mode. If the sampled average is less than this value, µTorrent ignores the sampled average and uses this value instead. This value is interpreted in bytes per second, so please enter it as such. Note that if this value is too low, the automatic upload rate limiter might possibly set the upload rate to a level low enough to trigger Download Limited mode.

bt.auto_ul_sample_average: This option sets how many seconds to average the amount of uploaded data over (sliding window).

bt.auto_ul_sample_window: This option controls how long each sampling run will take. It is interpreted in seconds, so please enter it as such.

bt.ban_ratio: The lowest acceptable ratio of good to bad pieces a peer can send before it gets banned. This takes effect after bt.ban_threshold is exceeded and bt.use_ban_ratio is enabled.

bt.ban_threshold: This option specifies the maximum number of hashfailed pieces any single peer can send before µTorrent takes action against it (either banning it outright, or enforcing bt.ban_ratio if bt.use_ban_ratio is enabled).

bt.compact_allocation: Do not use this option, it is not working properly. You will have errors if you do. Use diskio.sparse_files instead. Enabling this option allows µTorrent to create files in a manner similar to the Python scripting language's method for allocating files in order to save space while downloading. Note that enabling this option potentially leads to increased disk fragmentation. Do not use this option with diskio.use_partfile. Also, it cannot be used if you tell µTorrent to pre-allocate disk space.

bt.connect_speed: This option specifies the number of connections µTorrent should make each second up to the net.max_halfopen limit.

bt.enable_tracker: Enabling this option enables the rudimentary tracker embedded in µTorrent. If you wish to use this tracker, the URL is located at http://IP:port/announce, where IP is your WAN IP address, and port is the port µTorrent is listening on (or the alternative listening port if set and enabled). If you use a dynamic DNS service, your domain may be used instead of your IP address. The embedded tracker allows tracking of external .torrent files, and provides no way to limit them. There is no interface for viewing the .torrent files that are tracked. It is imperative that µTorrent is able to listen for incoming connections for this feature to work properly, so you have to make sure you have completely forwarded your ports in order to use the embedded tracker.

bt.graceful_shutdown: If enabled, µTorrent will take as long as it needs to finish its shutdown sequence (writing in-progress pieces to disk, deleting files in deletion queue, and waiting for tracker replies to stop messages -- among other things). That means that even if it takes several minutes to shutdown gracefully, it will wait for that long, and the process will remain in memory until then. If disabled, µTorrent will limit how long it waits to to 10 seconds, and regardless of the state of the shutdown sequence, µTorrent will force itself to exit.

bt.multiscrape: Enabling this option allows µTorrent to send multiple hashes each time it scrapes a tracker, which is more efficient than sending one hash at a time. In most circumstances, this option should not need to be disabled, as µTorrent will fall back to single scraping if it detects that the tracker does not support multi-scraping.

bt.no_connect_to_services: This option tells µTorrent not to connect to peers using ports specified in "bt.no_connect_to_services_list" as their listening ports. This stops firewalls from complaining about µTorrent trying to send an e-mail.

bt.no_connect_to_services_list: This option specifies which ports µTorrent should not connect to when "bt.no_connect_to_services" is enabled.

bt.prio_first_last_piece: Enabling this option prioritizes the first and last pieces of each file in a torrent job, increasing the chances that they can be previewed before download completion.

bt.scrape_stopped: Enabling this option allows µTorrent to get seed and peer counts for torrent jobs that are stopped.

bt.send_have_to_seed: Enabling this option tells µTorrent to send a message to other seeds indicating how many pieces you currently have.

bt.set_sockbuf: This debugging option allows µTorrent to automatically detect the TCP buffer size (so_sndbuf) and adjust it based on your upload speed. It does not adjust based on latency.

bt.use_ban_ratio: This option tells µTorrent to use bt.ban_ratio to decide when a peer gets banned after it has exceeded bt.ban_threshold.

bt.use_rangeblock: When enabled, µTorrent will automatically attempt to determine whether an entire range of IP addresses should be banned for sending hashfailed pieces rather than banning individual IPs one at a time. When µTorrent bans 4 IPs from the same /24 CIDR block, it will ban the entire /24 CIDR block. When µTorrent bans 4 CIDR blocks of size /24 from the same /16 CIDR block, it will ban the entire /16 CIDR block. When µTorrent bans 4 CIDR blocks of size /16 from the same /8 CIDR block, it will ban the entire /8 CIDR block.

dht.rate: This option specifies the amount of bandwidth that DHT will use. The default value, -1, tells µTorrent to manage the bandwidth usage automatically based on your maximum upload rate. The automatic value is obtained by dividing your maximum upload by 16. This value is interpreted in bytes per second, so please enter it as such.

diskio.coalesce_writes: This option tells µTorrent to try to minimize the number of writes to disk by writing more data at once. It doesn't have any effect on download speeds, but might increase memory and CPU usage to achieve less disk writes.

diskio.flush_files: Enabling this option closes file handles every minute. It helps to reduce the effect of Windows managing the system cache badly for some people and causing so-called "memory leaks."

diskio.smart_hash: This option makes µTorrent hash data from memory (if in the write queue) instead of flushing to disk, re-reading from disk, and then hashing. This should help reduce hard disk reads, especially when transferring at high speeds.

diskio.sparse_files: Enabling this option allocates only the data that has been written. It works only on partitions that are formatted as NTFS. Note that enabling this option potentially leads to increased disk fragmentation. Also, it cannot be used if you tell µTorrent to pre-allocate disk space.

diskio.use_partfile: This option is used to store data that is downloaded from files that you told µTorrent to skip. This is necessary to prevent the file from being allocated. It stores the parts of the skipped files that come with a piece, since µTorrent must download and save the entire piece, and each piece can contain data from multiple files. The partfile is removed when you remove the torrent job from the torrent job list.

gui.addpre_uselistview: Enabling this option tells µTorrent to disable the treeview in the Add New Torrent dialog, and use a flat listview instead.

gui.bypass_search_redirect: Enabling this option tells µTorrent to search directly on the selected search engine rather than being redirected through http://search.utorrent.com.

gui.compat_diropen: If you experience abnormal behaviors while browsing directories in µTorrent, such as a blank browsing dialog, try enabling this option.

gui.default_del_action: This option tells µTorrent how it should remove torrent jobs when pressing the Remove button in the toolbar or Delete on your keyboard. Note that any value above 3 will cause the "Remove" button in the toolbar and the Delete button on your keyboard to do nothing in µTorrent. To be safer, you'd best be setting this option in the GUI through the toolbar method.

0 means "Remove"

1 means "Remove and delete .torrent"

2 means "Remove and delete Data"

3 means "Remove and delete .torrent + Data"

gui.delete_to_trash: Enabling this option tells µTorrent to attempt to delete files to the Recycle Bin rather than directly erasing them from the disk. It is easier to set this option in the GUI through the toolbar method.

gui.update_rate: This option controls the amount of time between each update of the µTorrent main window. The higher it is, the less frequently µTorrent updates the main window, meaning that if you select 1000, the information displayed on the main window is at most 1000 milliseconds (1 second) old. For users of slower computers, you might want to increase this number to decrease resource usage when the main window is displayed. Any value below 500 will be ignored, and 500 will be used instead.

ipfilter.enable: This option, when enabled, tells µTorrent to load ipfilter.dat and apply the rules on connections established after it is loaded. Note that disabling and re-enabling this option will force µTorrent to reload ipfilter.dat.

net.bind_ip: If your computer setup requires that you use a specific LAN adapter for incoming connections, you may specify that adapter's IP address here.

net.low_cpu: Enabling this option reduces CPU usage slightly. You may achieve faster speeds with this option disabled. In general, this option is useless for most people unless they have extremely fast connections.

net.max_halfopen: This option specifies how many connections µTorrent should attempt to establish simultaneously at any given time. On systems running Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), if your TCPIP.sys file is unpatched, you should leave this option at its default value.

net.outgoing_ip: If your computer setup requires that you use a specific LAN adapter for outgoing connections, you may specify that adapter's IP address here. Note that Windows will sometimes ignore this setting and use other adapters. There is no known fix for this.

net.outgoing_max_port: This sets the upper limit for the outgoing port range. If this option is set to some invalid port number or some value less than "net.outgoing_port," it gets ignored, and only "net.outgoing_port" gets looked at (meaning the outgoing port "range" will actually be a single outgoing port).

net.outgoing_port: This option specifies the port that µTorrent should use to make outgoing connections. Normally, µTorrent selects a port from the ephemeral port range (between 1024 and 5000 by default on Windows) at random. "This can be used with full cone NAT routers to reduce the number of NAT table entries and thus prevent cashes on some router models. When the outgoing port is bound to the same as the incoming port that might even solve NAT problems on full cone NAT routers" (AzureusWiki). This option only works on Windows 2000 and above. This option is ignored if it is not a valid port number.

net.wsaevents: This option is used for tweaking if you are experiencing odd firewall issues. Decrease the value one by one to see if it helps.

peer.disconnect_inactive: Enabling this option tells µTorrent to disconnect from a peer that is not transferring with you after 5 minutes of inactivity. The time limit can be set using peer.disconnect_inactive_interval.

peer.disconnect_inactive_interval: This option sets the amount of time µTorrent should wait before breaking an inactive connection. This value is interpreted in seconds, so please enter it as such. Any value below 300 will be ignored, and 300 will be used instead.

peer.lazy_bitfield: Some ISPs block seeding by looking for the complete bitfield and closing the connection. When enabled, µTorrent does not send the complete bitfield, but a sample of it, so as to prevent blocking of seeding.

peer.resolve_country: Enabling this option tells µTorrent to use an Internet database of IP addresses (a DNSBL) to determine a peer's country. Even if the settings directory contains flags.conf and flags.bmp, this option will take precedence, and the internal flag images will be used instead.

queue.dont_count_slow_dl: Enabling this option tells µTorrent to ignore slow downloading torrent jobs as part of the queue. If a torrent job is downloading at less than 1 KiB/s, it will not prevent the next item in the queue from starting.

queue.dont_count_slow_ul: Enabling this option tells µTorrent to ignore slow uploading torrent jobs as part of the queue. If a torrent job is uploading at less than 1 KiB/s, it will not prevent the next item in the queue from starting.

queue.prio_no_seeds: Enabling this option gives torrent jobs without seeds higher priority when seeding than other torrent jobs.

queue.use_seed_peer_ratio: When this option is enabled, µTorrent will determine the seeding queue order based on the ratio of the number of seeds to the number of peers connected in the swarm. The lower the seed:peer ratio is for a torrent job, the higher priority it will be given in the seeding queue. If a torrent job has 0 peers and queue.dont_count_slow_ul is disabled, it will be given the lowest priority. Otherwise, if the aforementioned option is enabled, the torrent job is treated as if there is 1 peer in the swarm.

rss.start_matches: Enabling this option tells µTorrent to override the Don't start the download automatically option for torrent jobs added by RSS favorites.

rss.update_interval: This option sets the length of time µTorrent should wait before it checks the RSS feeds again. This value is interpreted in minutes, so please enter it as such. Any value below 5 will be ignored, and 5 will be used instead.

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Thanks that is exactly what I was looking for......IE did the down load and a free evaluation program decompresed it. It's alwost certanly vista blocking the link however. Vista=The slowest, most hostile, unstable, impractical ,incompatible OS ever conceved of, or more simply, 200 million more Mac users the day after Mac decides to sell modular computers.

Thanks again for the post.

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  • 1 year later...

Man, sometimes you try to help but it just doesn´t work...

That´s ok, no matter.

Sorry if I offended somebody.

Sorry if I interrupt something.

Really sorry for any inconvenience, will not happen again, promisse.

Thanks for the edit option!


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OR you can learn what the actual, underlying problem is. Although that KB article is specifically for Windows 2003, it affects any of the currently-supported Microsoft OSes.

The real solution: Right-click the CHM file and view the Properties. There should be some Unblock button there; click it.

The workaround: http://www.grainge.org/pages/authoring/chm_mspatch/896358.htm

The problem is not vista, nor IE. But I just love people who believes every problem is something caused by IE just because they prefer Firefox, or by the windows, or some other program... I really do love those people.

If they decide not to blame IE nor Windows nor Winzip ...

Boy, I do love it when people baselessly accuse others of some form of (anti-)fanboyism. I blame IE, but I actually know the reason why the problem is occurring too. And FYI, I don't like Firefox either, but at least it's better than IE.


- Not-a-Microsoft-hater

Edit: I have absolutely (I repeat: absolutely) no problem with anyone trying to help -- even if the suggestion isn't completely correct. Passing it off as if I were ignorantly pointing fingers and trying to find some scapegoat, though, doesn't sit well with me.

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