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Offline (timed out) ...... Problem !!


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Hey All

after updating to the new 1.7.1, I faced a problem ......... see now every torrent i add and any one it gives me an [Offline (timed out)] in tracker stauts after 1 or 2 updates and it goes back and forword between online and offline status but mostly it's offline

Some Info that may come in handy

I have 2MB Connection and Billion 5102 DSL Router

No Firewall What so ever i even disabled windows firewall

I'm using Kaspersky Antivirus which i used before suffering from this problem

This happen on different trackers both private and public and they are fully accessable while µTorrent is giving me an offline status

I use XP SP2 integrated April07 the same i used before when whis wasn't happening and i uninstalled/reinstalled it a couple of times

When it's giving me an offline status i just exit µTorrent and run it again, it gives me Working status but I lose a few MB uploaded/downloaded which doesn't get updated to the tracker

So if any one can help me it would be very much appreciated

thanx every one

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