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Downloading, but not uploading


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Okay, so I'm able to download just fine, and I have the green Network OK icon, so I'm assuming there's nothing wrong with my configuration. Still, my upload speed is zero. Well, after every so often, my upload speed will go up from zero, although not much, like 5-10 kb/s at most. I'm using a private tracker, and at this rate, I'll surely be banned. I'd really appreciate some help.

[edit - also, just so you know, I am connected to several peers, like 30 or so, and still, nothing's getting through. And I'm pretty sure it's not my ISP. I use Verizon, and to my knowledge, they don't block bittorrent in any way. My ports are forwarded.]


Generally this is not a problem unless it is slowing down your download speed. I know utorrent has a feature that makes your download faster the more you upload. This happens to me sometimes but i just ignore it. My problem is the opposite though. It probably isn't even you thats causing the problem. The other people whom are connected to the peers may have a problem that doesn't have anything to do with you.


Well, it's not slowing down my DL speed, but like I said, I'm on a private tracker, and

having a torrent not seeding at all for several minutes and then fluctuate from 5-10 kb/s or so (when I usually get up to 40 kb/s), that makes it difficult to keep up a good ratio. And I have two torrents going, and one of them has 30 or so leechers, so I should be getting something there, right? It seems unlikely that all of these people are having the same problem. Plus, as I said, I have another torrent going, and I'm experiencing the same problem with that one. And the other day, I was downloading something, too, and I had the same problem.


gotcha. I see what you were saying earlier. Yeah... I can't really answer your question since I am having sort of the same kind of problem, but I'm pretty someone out there knows how to fix this. This could be a problem if you don't keep a good ratio. Maybe try changing your bandwidth allocation to high. let me get this straight are you creating a torrent and then seeding as well as downloading a torrent and not being able to upload as well as you like?


No, the problem is that he's on a private tracker.

Torrents on private trackers are ridiculously overseeded and if you don't hop on them within hours of the torrent being posted, you have absolutely no chance of getting any decent upload in due to all the people with seedboxes seeding on 100mbit lines.


Oh, I see. So, I suppose there's little I can do then (save for trying to jump on new torrents and getting a faster connection). Well, in any matter, my ratio is almost 1:1, so I guess I don't have to worry about suddenly being banned.

And since I already mentioned it, I figured I'll just ask it here rather than start another thread. What are some good cable internet providers? Preferably something cheap that doesn't conflict with BitTorrent at all (I've heard some ISPs throttle your connection speed and that sort of thing).


If you live in the U.S., Bellsouth, now known as AT&T(monopoly bastards!!!), is really good because they do not throttle or filter. I have DSL Ultra and I am currently paying 32.95 a month for 1.5 mbps/256kbps of streaming goodness. I'm not sure how cheap your willing to get, but that price right there is great for downloading music and photos. If you are looking to download video games or movies you may want to consider another ISP, or upgrade to DSL Xtreme. It depends on what you want, where you want, and how you want it.


I created an account on here just now because this is exzactly what is happening to me, it has been driving me crazy for awhile

i just recently formatted my computer, utorrent worked great for a few days, until i started to get back into private trackers/sites

Now it seems random torrents that i download, do 1 of 2 things:

upload/download normal by settings i chose for limits

Download fine, but upload 0.0k and never goes up

After reading the comment about not getting to the torrent in time, and people having rediculous upload connections, i can understand that...but...

its starting to happen to more than half my downloads that i do, and i go to all kinds of random sites, not just my private ones, i have done every setting imanginable in utorrent, even did a full delete and uininstall and reinstall

i to have ratio concerns, if i download a 1.5gb movie, i am expected to upload it back, but i am stuck at 0.0k upload ><

any other suggestions? or is the file "locked" that way since its already been seeded tons



A high seed-to-peer ratio makes it hard to seed back yourself. You're 'fighting' others to upload before they do. :P

What's your encryption settings in µTorrent?

Have you tried experimenting with them?

You could try maximizing your upload at the expense of your download...so maybe when the torrent finishes you've at least managed a 50% ratio.

Also, you may be able to increase your upload speed slightly if you disable stuff that uses upload speed...like 100+ connections per torrent, DHT, and Resolve IPs.



I tried lower the number of max connections to 90. I already have DHT turned off, and even if I didn't, I think most private trackers don't allow it anyway. I'm not sure what Resolve IPs is or how I could turn it off, but I'd appreciate it if you could explain it to me.


Okay, now I'm starting to think something may be wrong again. Currently, I have a torrent with only 1 seed, 30 peers, and so far I've downloaded 1 GB, but only uploaded 50 MB. It's been about 4 hours so far. There has to be something wrong here. Also, my download speed seems to drop to 0 every so often.

Any ideas anyone? I'm really desperate for help here.


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