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Checking torrents


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Since installing uTorrent 1.7.1 stable, each time I restart my computer for whatever reason, when I start uTorrent, it goes through the long process of checking all the torrents that I have running. I am shutting uTorrent down properly, not just restarting the computer, I actually exit from uTorrent. I have even tried stopping the torrents, waiting for any disk activity to stop that had anything to do with uTorrent and then exiting, but still have had the same problem. As I said, this was not an issue with the 1.7 beta that I was using, and I haven't changed any settings since installing 1.7.1 stable. Please help as this is REALLY annoying!

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After posting my original problem, I found another post with a similar problem and tried it but to no avail. I also notice that it is taking MUCH longer than it used to do the checking for each torrent. It used to run along pretty fast, now only 1/10 of a percent every 2 seconds, which is only about a fourth of as fast as it used to do it when I still had the 1.7. beta installed.

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