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Updated to 1.7.1 (build 3360)


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i updated to the 1.7.1 ^ and now my ports cant connect no matter what i change it too.. right before utorrent updated they were connecting just fine...

closest topic i found so far is http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=11665 but it was closed so i came here.. will say thou i love using utorrent , all the others i've used i thought were great then i found this one and poof wow

but yeah, i change the settings in my router, firewalls forwarded all the ports properly just like before the update and still not working.

but yeah if there's a fix I'd be happy to say thanks.


I Concur.

I've done all the port forwarding before, and im positive that its done right on my Router (DI-524).

I thought at first maybe the vista firewall was wonky, but even after shutting that down I still cant get the port clear. AAAAnnyone solved this problem?


Ultima not sure I understand your solution, you mean re-create the vista firewall rules with regards to utorrent? or something in utorrent itself?

I just think hes going without vista firewall at all now so that shouldnt be the problem.


I'm running windowing 2kpro no built in firewall, no zone alarm, and I've already deleted and remade the rules for the firewall in the router.. still no workie... and why would a rule u made for the utorrent before it upgraded to 1.7.1 work and then not work, if its the same program and same ports? doesn't make much since.

can anyone give me a link for 1.6? so i can just go back to it...

can anyone give me a link for 1.6? so i can just go back to it...

No. We don't support older versions. That includes finding them.

Some antivirus software have decided it appropriate to bundle with software firewalls. Rules need to be re-created in whatever software firewall you're using.

Failing that, reset uTorrent to defaults and re-complete the setup guide.


I got those problems when I turned back to Utorrent 1.6.1. Every port I opens stays blocked in Utorrent. I also tried Azureus but it gave me the same problem.


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