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We need a page of designs


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Hi all,

I think we need a page of just designs, logo's etc, that you can see, rather than having to search through 2000 posts to see what is here.

Im finding it a pain to search through all the posts just to see what new stuff our great artists have come up with.

Maybe just a page of submited designs, and a download link, would be great.



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I'd love a Gallery like page where you could browse through all the images. But I think this forum can do the trick if we follow some rules.

How about 3 separate posts where only images (finished) are posted? Icons, toolbar and status icons. And with a link to the actual files. No comments of appreciation or thank you's (we can do that on separate posts). The moderators could create a sticky for it and keep it tidy. Simple and effective, no? :)

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WTG 00, thats great, good job. Ill bet there will be a lot of happy users now. I havent even seen a lot of these. They are great.

Had 1 thought though, the big white space beside the table of contents would be a great place for a little wiki on how to install them. (not for me)

A link could be put up on the home page, for easy access for noobs at utorrent. Its also kinda nice because if someone just looks at the screenshot, they see the basic design. This gives them an idea of, hey cool, i can change those things.

3 cheers for 00 everyone, he deserves it.


Cheers, WickedT

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Could be just a forum sticky with an index of all works, organized by work title and author. No need to have a custom page.

I think that would be too much work for the moderators (having to edit in every design that comes through). This way the authors can add their work themselves.

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