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Speed Bump


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I have a q...port forwarded properly, but...I have been using utorrent for a while now...my max dl has been around 700kbs ish, and thats cool....how ever....when I am uploading, my max is like 40kbs...which isnt so cool...I have fiddled around with the speed settings etc, but no luck increasing the ul spd....speedtest shows my conex at 11mkbs down and 3mkbs up, and the really puzzling thing is that when I boot up utorrent and there are uls in the queue, the initial speed goes up to around 200 kbs, but after 30 seconds, drops down to the usual 40kbs....can anyone tell me whats going on...thanks!

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ComCast's SpeedBoost in action!

30 seconds of MUCH higher download and upload speeds...then back down to the crappy 384 kilobits/sec upload rate. 384 kilobits/sec for me is up to 43 KiloBYTES/sec upload speed in µTorrent at best...and that's when I typically have less than 30 TOTAL connections and only seeding.

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