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uTorrent 1.7.2 (3458) doesn't limit upload


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I'm trying to limit utorrent's bandwith but it does not. 6KB, Automatic, checked and unchecked uPnP and none. With 1.6.1 the problem doesn't show. I always had patched vista's TCPIP.sys with 2432asdf connections.

Don't believe, see it. And its get around 22~28 KB. The internet surf sucks like and old men v/s ferrari, and my steam downloads even worse (and it's gets 122~126 KB download without uTorrent 1.7.2, so don't blame STEAM)



1024/256 kbps

Port 21

UPnP & NAT-PMP checked

No Download Limit // Upload 16KB limit (no big difference).

180 Global Conections

55 per torrent (currently downloading: 3)

3 uploads per torrent.

Encription Active + Allow encripted connections.

Anything just ask. Solutions welcome (at least, "change to 1.6.1")


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