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Torrent folder owner change


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Hey ppl.

All p2p programs seem to get their folders owner status changed, even deleting the admin rights. This plays hell with my rates, as i cant seed anything anymore.

with emule it was the entire folder, with utorrent its luckily just the .torrent folder.

I can add torrents fine with variuos sites, but i cant access the bloody folder...

Anyone know what might do that ?

For security im using Avast and Comodo, might be one of them but i got no idea.

Logging in as admin on safe mode gives me options to change back ofc, but as a normal login resets the options its kinda useless.


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hey again.

Not entirely of course, but im using spywareblaster and avg antispyware with no result. Used a hijackthis and cant find anything in the logs, no replies on that yet on security forum tho.

But my machine seems clear, and it is only the folder for .torrents

If i change folder it starts replacing owner on the new folder and the old one is left totally alone.

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That's exactly the thing, though... µTorrent doesn't modify permissions, and even if it could, you would have to be an administrator for it to be able to do that. If you were an administrator, no problems would occur from permissions, as administrators have access to any file anyway :o

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Thanks ultima, it takes utorrent out of the equation i hope.

Admins have access to all changing yes.. But when all admin groups are also removed from owner, you need to go into security settings, and reset them into the owner group. This i can only do in safe start for some reason, dont know why the option aint there in normal boot.

And during the normal boot, it changes the folder options back to the "non-existing" owner, and clear all groups including admin, so you cant access it.

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