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Slow speed with Vista


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I tried port mapping

A red Exclamtion point at the bottom of utorrent

port 6881

no idea im all new to this


Windows Vista

Disable all my virus firewall and spyware stuff

Linksys BEFW11S4 v.4

Cablevision Optimum Online

NO idea what type off connection it is

no idea im all new to this
What the Speed Guide shows your settings to be (press Ctrl+G in µTorrent)

(You should already be familiar with the Speed Guide if you read the setup guide like the sticky suggested you should)

Disable all my virus firewall and spyware stuff

That doesn't actually tell us which security softwares you're using.

NO idea what type off connection it is

Okay, but you still haven't answered the larger bulk of that question -- how fast the speed test showed your settings to be.


ok the speed guide show the affected settings to be if that wa ya mean:

Upload limit: 1120 kb/s

Connections 125

Max Active Torrent : 15

Upload slot: 25

Connections(global) 800

Max Active Download: 15

I have no virus stuff or anything the thing expired

4783 kbps down 1726kbps up


TERRIBLE settings. You sure you read the sticky? It certainly didn't tell you to arbitrarily pick a setting in the Speed Guide.

You don't have a xx/10mbit connection. You'd be better off selecting xx/2mbit and lowering the upload limit to something like 165KiB/s.


How many seeds and peers are on the torrent you actually want to download? What is the availability for the torrent?

And for the 4th (or more?) time, read the setup guide. Your port isn't forwarded properly, and you need to figure the NAT problem out, which the setup guide explains.


That's inside the Linksys's DHCP range (read: that's bad). Set your static IP up to be, and make sure you remove the old router rules and forward to that new IP. OH, and change the port you're using. 6881 should NEVER be used. Let µTorrent pick a random port for you in Preferences > Connection (simply click the Random button, and use the port it picks, and forward that port).


Firstly, that router probably doesn't like lots of connections at once...so you may have to reduce global and per-torrent connections to under 100. Maybe even under 50.

Vista has a stupid-low half open connection limit even compared to Win XP SP2, so you may even be forced to use 1 or 2 half open connection limit in µTorrent until you get Vista (3rd party) patched so it can handle more.

To keep things simple, you may just want to choose the xx/1mbit setting in Speed Guide (CTRL+G) and then lower global and per-torrent connections to under 100.

Your ISP may only heavily throttle upload speed for BitTorrent traffic, so that might explain the 600 KiloBYTES/sec download speeds on the test torrent/s.


Much in line with what I said, if there's multiple computers connected to that router and/or serious web surfing going on the computer that is also running µTorrent...then even if µTorrent is set to a global max of only 100 connections, there could still be times where the router exceeds 171 total connections. I've seen single webpages that have so many side-ads and cross-links that they actually briefly open about 20 connections at once before completely loading.


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