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Upload Speed too low/Yellow Triangle/Network Problem???


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I post this because I couldn't solwe my Up speed problem and I didnt see my specific hardware network configuration.

The PC's are two. One of them is playing the role of a router for the other. And on that other PC i have the Up problem. When I connect it directly to the ISP I have no problems(good speed, green dot, everything is smooth). The problem is that in I cant connect the first PC after the second in order the second to be the router. So when I connect it through the first PC(router) I get the low UP speed. There is no other problems at all. I've red the "Port Forwarding" but I couldnt find my solution there.

Since the first PC is not only a router can I install there some good port forwarding program to solwe my problem?

Any suggestions?

Thank U in advance.


I haven't heard of port forwarding programs before, I've heard of configuring your router so it opens up the port to allow utorrent..I don't understand what your problem really is here because your English isn't clear..Maybe it's your second language, or maybe you got drunk while writing this..Either way can you reword what you wrote please and provide a bit more info..For example your routers name, modem's name..Stuff like that..Hope to hear from you soon.


If you're routing through the first PC, all port exceptions should be identical on both computers (since it should act as a switch, not a router). Set a different port on each computer, and limit the speeds on the first computer so it doesn't eat all the bandwidth.


Yes, English is my second language, and I cant do more than answering posible questions You might have.

How to "set a different port on each computer"? Where? In the utorrent program or elsewhere? The first PC isn't affecting the Upload speed. I dont use it for anything than browsing and allmost all the time it just sits there to provide the internet connection.

I use eMule on the first PC sometimes only because the second can't connect to the KAD networks and servers. It seems that there is something I am missing but I cant figure out what it is :(

If anyone can help me please ask the questions you need to understand the problem, don't make suggestions.

Last Edit: Should I adress my problem elsewhere so I can find a solution to it? Anyone...


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