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Does uTorrent have a 'force re-check' option?


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First time newbie here(at least for uTorrent). Just switched over from Azureus about a month ago, everything is working great, until a few days ago. I've got a torrent that's been downloading(2.4kb/s) for over 3 days at between 99.6-99.8%-it flucuates back and forth. In Azureus there was a 'force re-check' option that would fix this kind of 'error'. I've search the FAQ and the forums, can't seen to find if uTorrent has this feature, or how to fix this. Ideas anyone?

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Are you sure it ain't a bum (fake) torrent by any chance? Do you get many hash fails in the logs?

Also, what sort of file is it? Try stopping the torrent and checking it out - the main files may very well have been downloaded and some inconsequential thing like a Thumbs.db file etc. might have changed and caused the error.

I don't think force re-check would be able to help you here, but you can try: Stop the torrent, right-click and voila! :)

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Whoa! Thanks for the quick responses. Yes, I've tried right-clicking the torrect-but I was doing it while downloading. The 'force re-check' only appears when stopped. Tried it, and it went thru 'checking', and back to what it was doing before.

The logger tab has many 'piece XX FAILED HASH CHECK'--is this the problem? Do hash fails mean a fake torrent? I've downloaded from this poster before-always OK.

I tried extracting the rar files that have been downloaded so far, getting corrupt files.

Should I stop this torrent, find another version and start all over again?

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i get the feeling it's a fake torrent. utorrent automatically bans peers that send you bad data repeatedly.

hash fails doesn't necessarily mean fake torrent but if you can't seem to ever finish the torrent after a few hash fails, then something is fishy there.

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