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Wireless Routers - which is best [for latest uTorrent beta]?

D. Payne

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I tried to navigate all the previous posts on this. It would take me a decade just to understand what everyone's talking about, much less sort it out.

My deficiency. Let's cut the Gordian Knot: What brand/model # is least problematic and best suited by majority opinion?

Also, where's the best port forwarding/forcing tutorial - just a single link please.

The problem I'm having [lately] is seeding previous downloads. If they connect at all they quickly get throttled or disconnected completely, unless I'm the only seeder and then stay connected only sometimes. I'd hoped switching to uTorrent from Bit Tornado might solve it, but almost certainly it's the router I'm using. Wasn't a problem until about a month ago. Before that everything was fine [with Mainline then Bit Tornado - I'm glad I switched to uTorrent regardless for other reasons].

The router's old and needs replacing anyhow [Linksys WRT54G, about 3 years]. I just need a majority opinion on a single brand/model replacement. Local cable ISP monopoly does not appear to be traffic shaping, btw.

All thanks!

You are welcome to reply off list to: reem@mindspring.com


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