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I am having extremly low download speeds


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Hi I have been having trouble getting a fairly good download speed. I am working on a computer that has a wireless adapter as my connection. I've tried the speed test and have put in my results in the speed guide. I have been through the port forwarding page, setup a static IP address. I followed a speed setup on the utorrent forum page to receive greater speed. I forwarded my utorrent port on my computer. I allowed utorrent into my firewall . I even configured my router to allow a connection from my port

and still I receive a horrible download speeds. My max speed download is 25 kb/s and its not consistent. It took me about 4 hours to download a 69mb file. My utorrent shows a yellow sign indicating my connection has not been forwarded. I can't access my computer that is connected to my router because it wont turn on, so I've done everything from my wireless cpu. Please any help you can give would be a great help. I have a ratio of 2.20+ and want to continue my contribution. My router is a wrt54gs v.4 Thank You for your time


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Im using a cable modem from optimum. I assigned my static ip with port forwarding that led me to also assign the ports to my game application tab on my router...Im not to sure what the DHCP is....again just to clear the question Im using my wireless pc is that o.k?

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Ya the Only thing with a wireless it will Not be as fast as a Wired Connection. AS for the DHCP read this guide on How to Choose a Static IP:


As for the Modem I just wanted to make sure you didn't have a Router/Modem Combo unit which would be Double NAT or a SurfBoard Cable Modem.

So Read that guide on How to choose a Static IP everything should be explained there about the DHCP and assigning a Static IP outside the DHCP range of IP's.


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Ok now I know what your talking about. I used port forwarding to set it up the first time and it told me to set my dhcp client available to 1. So in my router I have it setup to 1 DHCP client address. My static is about 30 addresses higher....So I should have that setup ok....So I have a static ip outside the range of my DHCP. I Setup my static ip address and my internet connection has not dropped what so ever. I ported everything in my computer to the utorrent port. My Windows firewall and Windows Onecare program have a port dedicated to utorrent. Also my wireless connection and of course my router all have custom tcp ports. I just noticed there's also a utorrent.exe port in my firewall that's active.

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