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Add New Torrent Dialog - Live Scrolling


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In the Add New Torrent dialog, if there are a massive number of files/directories, then I've seen that if we keep the up/down arrow keys pressed, the highlighting bar doesn't move up/down in real time. Instead, once the key is let up, the view immediately changes to a file/directory which is a few screens above/below the current one.

So live scrolling in the Add New Torrent dialog would be appreciated.


This shouldn't be a feature request; it should be a bug report :P

It's a problem with the treeview being slow more than it is something that needs to be implemented. The treeview was reworked in 1.8 already anyway, and the 1.8 build I tested doesn't suffer from this problem any more. So yeah, I guess you could consider this "already done."


@Invy: Of course I can use the scroll wheel. I can also use the scrollbar. But that's not the point. The point was re. the treeview being slow as Ultima rightly understood. It should have been a bug report of course though...

Thanks Ultima... Looking forward to 1.8, it seems to have quite a lot of bug fixes and new features! Any betas we can test yet?

P.S. Ultima, I know it's nowhere up there in terms of priority, but hope the top-level [+] that we discussed is implemented in the new treeview too.


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