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uTorrent 1.7.1 not terminating


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I'm running uT 1.7.1 with Win2000 Pro and it works OK most of the time. But lately, it's been the cause of PC lock up and when I exit uT, it appears to close, but if I check the Task Manager, it's still open and cannot be closed. If I try to 'End Process' or right click and 'End Process Tree' it states that the program could not be closed for whatever reason. I've never had this problem until recently. Also, sometimes I let it run all night on a large download, and when I check it in the morning it says "Error: insufficient quota...". Also: sometimes I'll stop a download before it's finished. And when I restart it, it says "Checking 0.0%" and slowly counts upward. About half the time, it will lock up while checking and stop at 12.8% (for example). So, I uninstalled it and replaced it with uT 1.6.1 because that version (1.6.1) always worked great and never caused me any trouble. And I've heard LOTS of negative things about v 1.7.2... anyway, does anyone know why v1.7.1 went into the dumper and wouldn't exit 100% after working perfectly for 2 months???? Thanx.


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I haven't tried 1.7.2... I uninstalled 1.7.1 because I was having all sorts of problems with it and tried 1.6.1 and I'm having the exact same problem and some new ones. When I try remove a torrent from the list when it's finished downloading, uT locks up. When I try to restart a torrent, uT locks up while checking the file. After uT has been running for maybe 10minutes, I get a message at the bottom of the uT window "Disk Overloaded: 100%" and the speeds drop drastically. This used to happen occasionally, but the message would go away after awhile, and the speeds would jump back up. When I uninstalled 1.7.1, it didn't really uninstall; it just took the shortcut from the desktop and that was about it. So, should I install 1.7.2? Or is something really wrong here since 1.6.1 is locking up too; and it's not shutting down completely either. I think the uT problems are now worse :( Thanx!


BTW- I think I will install 1.7.2 just to see what happens....

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