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Could we log messages passed between utorrent and the tracker?


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Could we have an option to allow logging of tracker messages? Just whatever messages get sent to trackers and whatever messages are received from trackers. This would make diagnosing certain kinds of problems MUCH easier. This information is now only available to people willing to install and learn specialized snooping programs, when it could be useful to anyone who uses utorrent.

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Well, to answer your first question - problems relating to utorrent not communicating properly with torrent servers (or for quickly eliminating it as a possible problem.)

Also, there are many advanced users online who help less skilled users figure out problems. It's difficult and frustrating to walk someone through installing an entire utility via e-mail or forum posts. Much simpler to instruct them to "turn on logging and post the results."

Also, not everyone is running utorrent on a box where they can be willy-nilly installing snooping utilities, no matter how inoffensive. Some PHB's get all freaked out by them. (Yes, they know I run uTorrent. We need it for certain business related things.)

And anyway... is this really any more esoteric than the current things we have the option to log?

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