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router problem


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You need to make an exception for utorrent.exe in the Windows Firewall.

You have to allow ALL outgoing ports on TCP and UDP, and whatever incoming port you chose in µTorrent's Network Options for TCP and UDP.

You only have to forward that port you chose in the router, make sure you pick "Both" in Protocol. use the same port for start and end.

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I have the same upload/download speed "problem". I fully understand that the faster I download I use more up bandwidth but if I max out my 2272 kbps down/288 kbps up on the d/load my upload falls to 5 - 10kb/s which seems excessive. I've posted about this b4 but got no-where :\

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You need to make an exception for utorrent.exe in the Windows Firewall.

You have to allow ALL outgoing ports on TCP and UDP, and whatever incoming port you chose in µTorrent's Network Options for TCP and UDP.

You only have to forward that port you chose in the router, make sure you pick "Both" in Protocol. use the same port for start and end.

ok my port is 10200 how would i set that in the windows firewall

im sorry im a bit slow today


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THat's actually quite normal stevvi. Your download typically takes up close to 10% of that amount in upload. So if you're DLing at 2mbit, it would be using like 200kbps on upload in TCP/BT overhead. :)

Really? Is that figure true for all d/loads or only Bittorrents? I ask as, in the UK, BT are going to introduce an 8Mb/448Kbps next spring and that means folks will never see 8Mb download speeds as the upload won't be able to cope!

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The amount of overhead varies, it's generally MUCH much higher on BT because you have so many connections and BT protocol overhead. For a "typical" HTTP download you could probably reach 8Mbit no problem, since the overhead wouldn't likely be as high as 10%. Probably closer to 5, depending on the number of threads.

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