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Upload limit not working?


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There's a new feature that is ENABLED to allow unlimited download/upload speed to supposedly local seeds and peers.

It's under Preferences, BitTorrent:

1.Enable Local Peer Discovery (to FIND the local peers)


2.Limit Local Peer Bandwidth

Uncheck #1 and check #2.

I don't recall seeing the "L" at the bottom.

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  • 1 year later...

hmm this works in the newest 1.9 beta, but its not exact like it used to be. for example, with the previous version of uT, if i set the upload limit to 100k it would hover around 100k.

Now, when i set the upload limit to 100k it hovers around 150k... not really a problem, but a little strange, no?

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connection tab: nat-pnp is checked and upnp is not.

bittorrent tab: all checked except allow local peer discovery

the upload limiter doesnt seem to be working at all now 0_o not even the global limiter.

what should i do?

oh, and im sorta a torrent newb... wouldnt know a UTP if i saw one.

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NAT-PMP is for apple hardware generally. UPnP is another specification. Those are only relevant for your opened ports. What are your Connection settings in Ctrl-G, how many peers are you connecting to?

UTP is a new way to connect to peers which can see your upload increase. Are you seeing this 150 KiB upload in the Speedtab? Does the upload continue while you are not downloading anything? Are you using RSS?

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

bandwidth > "apply rate limit to utp connections" seems to work but greatly reduces download speeds. sorry for bumping an old post, just upgraded from 1.6.1 and wasn't getting anywhere near the speeds i was with that build.

still seems to have download speeds considerably lower, is there some download/upload ratio restrictions now?

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You also need to now limit uTP connections and possibly Overhead (also in preferences), both new options, seeing as you're updating from WAAAY back at 1.6.1. Theoretically, uTP should be able to throttle itself around your connection without the need for limits, but if it's not working properly (after following the speed guide) or you use limits for other reasons (bandwidth limits), you can re-enable it.

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